Brinkmann Flag: the story so far

Early in 2016, I started writing tracks that would eventually form the upcoming album Brinkmann Flag. Most of my previous recording experience has been with tube amps and tape, so I knuckled down over the summer, learning how to record guitars in Logic Pro X, plus loops, software instruments and MIDI.

Spaghetti Northern, the second track I wrote, was pretty much done in the summer of 2016. Since then, I've been refining and tweaking, adding a bass guitar part and playing with compressors to beef up the fuzzed guitars and bottom end. It's possible that I'll add an extra part but, for the meantime, I'm happy to share the track with the world.

As of now, in February, the album's ten tracks are recorded and mixed, and I've started the mastering process. I'm also working on the for the album, ideas for which I'll share shortly.